Difference between Death Probate and Living Probate

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When a loved one passes away, their estate must go through probate. This is a legal process that oversees the distribution of their assets to their heirs and creditors. But what is the difference between death probate and living probate? Death Probate Death Probate is the judicial process that validates a deceased person’s will, settles… Read more »

Types of Trusts Available

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Trusts are legal arrangements that allow you to transfer ownership of your assets to a trustee, who will manage and distribute them according to your wishes. At their core, trusts are either revocable, allowing the grantor to alter them during their lifetime, or irrevocable, which, once established, cannot be changed. Each serves different objectives and… Read more »

Divorce Marital Property

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If you are getting divorced, you may have many questions about how marital property will be divided. We’ll answer some of the most common questions about divorce marital property. Note that this is a general overview may not apply to your specific situation. If you have any specific questions about your divorce, consult with our… Read more »

Purpose of Probate

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When a loved one passes away, amidst the grief and loss, a process of fulfilling their final wishes begins. This process is known as probate. Probate is the legal process of transferring the assets of a deceased person to their heirs. This process is supervised by a probate court and is overseen by a personal… Read more »