What Type of Advance Directives Are Available to Me?

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Planning for the future is an essential aspect of life, and making decisions regarding medical care and estate planning should be no different. In Denver, Colorado, there are several options for individuals to take control of their future medical care through various advance directives. This article discusses the types of advance directives available to residents,… Read more »

How Asset Planning prepares you for the Future

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Take a moment to consider what your most cherished asset might be. Perhaps it’s your family home, sitting nestled amidst the breathtaking mountains of Colorado. Maybe it’s your burgeoning business or your diverse investment portfolio. The question is, are you confident that your asset is secure and planned for the future? That’s where asset planning… Read more »

Who can be a Beneficiary?

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Imagine spending a lifetime building a legacy – from personal assets, and family heirlooms, to a thriving business – only to have it dispersed in a manner you would have never sanctioned. One primary way to avoid this is by designating beneficiaries to your assets and properties. But “what is a beneficiary” and how does… Read more »

What is Generational Planning?

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Have you ever considered how the beautiful Rocky Mountain state, with its wild rivers and idyllic landscapes, mirrors our own life journey? We begin as energetic young mountaineers, eventually turning into wise, experienced hikers, leaving trails for the generations that follow. Like those trails, a well-structured plan for our assets and estates allows us to… Read more »