Child Custody Modifications

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Navigating the challenging maze of child custody can be complex, especially when circumstances change and modifications become necessary. For parents residing in Colorado, understanding the key principles surrounding child custody modifications is crucial for the welfare of their children. As a leading family law firm in Denver, TNS Associates can guide you through this intricate… Read more »

How to Avoid Probate Court

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Whether we like it or not, death is an unavoidable part of life, and with it comes certain legal responsibilities. When one passes away, their estate often has to go through a process called “probate.” This is the court-supervised process of identifying and gathering the assets of a deceased person, paying their debts, and distributing… Read more »

Distributing Assets in Probate

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Many of us have heard the age-old adage: “Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.” While this holds a modicum of truth, it lacks one crucial piece of reality – probate. If you’ve ever been the executor of a will or have had a loved one pass away, you’re likely familiar with this… Read more »

Business Succession

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Navigating the intricacies of business succession can be a daunting experience. Anyone who has worked tirelessly to build a business in Colorado can understand the bittersweet emotions when it’s time to step down. Planning a successful business succession requires forethought, expert advice, and a deep understanding of the financial and legal landscape. Basics of Business… Read more »